
Monday, December 2, 2013

Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review

Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review

The three things that I rarely take care of are: my wardrobe (it’s a huge mess!), my nails and my feet. Despite not taking care of them, they are fortunately in good condition. The SA at Faces Canada store persuaded me to purchase this 4 way nail buffer and I thought there is no harm in spending 75 bucks. Oh now I love my nails a lot! Today I am going to discuss my experience with Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer.
Faces Cosmetics 4 Way Nail Buffer Review
Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review
Price: 75 INR

Available at: Faces Cosmetics stores, counters and online shopping websites.

Faces Canada says-
Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review
Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review
MBT says-
Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer comes in a smooth plastic case with instructions written at the back. It is made of an elongated grey plastic with different colored strips stuck to either sides of the nail buffer. It is quite light, easy to hold and can be easily carried around in a bag. It has 2 surfaces on either side. The numbers are written at the middle of the buffer that makes it fairly easy to use.

Before buffing the nails, make sure that they are clean. The nail buffer consists of 4 strips: black (Emery), green, pink and grey. The first step is to file the nails. The black strip (Emery) is used as an emery board. It files and shapes the nails gently and easily. It is the roughest surface of the four and it has to be used only to file the edges of the nails and not on the flat surface. Always make sure to file the nails in one direction to avoid splitting the edges of the nails.

The next step is to remove the ridges of the nails. The green side (No 1) is used to remove the ridges of the nails. It feels fine and a bit soft to touch. It should be used once in a month as it removes a fine layer of nail and might weaken the nails if used frequently. It also helps in easy application of the nail polish. This step takes away the luster of the nails but really helps in removing the bumps of the nails. Fortunately I do not have any ridges on the nails and I use it once in two months.

The third step is to smooth or buff out the nails. The white part (No 2) gives a smooth and even look to the nails. It also gives a natural finish to the nails making them ready to buff. It is soft than the previous two nail buffers and has to be used once in a fortnight.

The last step is the most loved step and makes my nails look shiny and healthy. The grey strip (No 3) is very soft and squeaky to touch. It gives a shiny finish to the smooth nails. I also have Faces Canada 3 Way Maxi Buffer and its buffer is much better and gives a nice shine to my nails in few minutes. The nail buffer of this buffer takes a while to give a healthy shine to my nails. It really did not bother me much as I usually use it during late night talks over phone with my boy. It can be used as often as desired but I use it once in 15 days as I have soft and slightly fragile nails.

Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer is very easy to use and gives a beautiful, shiny finish to my nails without having to apply a nail polish. The effect lasts for a good 4-5 days. Buffing the nails makes easy and smooth application of the nail varnish. The nail buffer also helps in removing the stains from discolored nails. I have been using it since three months and the nail buffer is still in good condition. The strips have not peeled or lost its efficiency.  

Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review
Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review
Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review
Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review
Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review
Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer Review
White spot sign of calcium deficiency :D I need to eat more healthy!
Easy to use.
Files nails gently and effectively.
Smooth out the ridges.
Gives a nice and healthy shine to the nails.
Easy to carry.
Removes stains from the nails.
Lasts long.
Easily available.
Reasonably priced.
Travel friendly packaging.

I need to buff my nails for a while to get nice shiny finish if compared to Faces 3 Way Maxi Buffer.

Overall Thoughts:
Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer is very handy when I do not feel like applying nail polish. It makes my nails look healthy and shiny. It files the nails gently without being too hard on my soft nails. Overall it is an easy to use buffer and I would gladly recommend it to everyone.

Rating: 4.5/5

Have you tried Faces Canada 4 Way Nail Buffer? How was your experience? Share in the comments section below!

Stay pretty!


  1. wow pretty clean nails you have dear! Nice detailed post:)

  2. I am using it from long time :) best one , good review girl

  3. this is really nice shall give this a try.. nice review Megha :)

  4. looks great megha..nice review as alwyz...

    my recent one :

  5. I have used it Megha and I love it...I have reviewed it too :)

    1. Uhhhh i am heading towards ur blog to read ur opinion :)

  6. Looks like a nice buffer... Nice review :)

  7. This looks a cool buffer, gonna get it soon. And it's so affordable too, nice clicks and review sweets.

  8. I love this ... i want to buy these now :)

  9. I need these .. i love buffing my nails :) .. nice post .. amazing pics

  10. i have not used this one but sounds decent product!

  11. You got pretty nails dear :) No doubt you come up with those lovely NOTD's <3
    and Guess what I was in search of a good buffer - Now I know where to head ;) - Beautifully reviewed dear :)

    1. Awww thanx so much Vips. U ll love this for sure :)

  12. nice, I bought buffers from Faces which were made up of ice-creme sticks.. useless and very cheap.. then for 65 bucks what else you could expect :P

    1. Uhhhh ice cream sticks. I have not seen such types of buffers in Faces. This one is good Shikha. Do try it :)

  13. Ever since I started using a nail buffer, I started loving my nails too!!
    But a tip, ( an an unsolicited one) Do not overbuff as it would weaken the nail and make it fragile.

    1. I agree Nivi. overbuffing would cause weak nails :)

  14. This sounds like a decent nail buffer! Must give this a try. Nicely reviewed :)

    1. Thanx Lisha! Faces 3 Way buffer is great too :)

  15. Your nails are gorgeous! So long and shapely. Lucky you :)
    Interesting product. THough I didnt get what you mean by the ridge of the nail.

    1. Thanx Rosh. :) Ridges means the unevenness on our nails like lines.

  16. Picking this up on my next shopping spree..nice review Megha :)

  17. OMG! You Have Explained So Well,Megha!! I'm Definitely Buying This Now.. Thankooo So Much!:)

  18. Pretty nails! :)
    Will pick this up next :)

  19. sounds like a pretty good n decent product..


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