
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why Do You Wear Makeup Tag

Why Do You Wear Makeup Tag

I had been tagged by the sweetest and gorgeous blogger friend Arzoo from Beauty and Makeup Love to do a post on “Why do you wear makeup” (Sounds pretty interesting!). Being a lazy bum, I decided to do it later and almost forgot about it. Few days back, Arzoo asked threatened me to do the post soon and here I am with my answers.

When did you begin loving makeup?
I had been a huge fan of nail paints when I was in 9th standard. My love for makeup started during my college days but only when I needed to attend a function. I can’t believe I spent my entire college life without makeup (Except for the fresher’s and farewell!). Now I am so happy to see my stash growing bigger day by day.

How do you feel without makeup?
I used to have a clear and radiant skin (Although I never took care of it!) but was attacked by acne in the last year of my post graduation. My friends and professors used to tell me that these acne are beauty spots and ‘Chaand par daag’ (how irritating!). Concealer is the best invention for me and I like covering my acnes whenever I need to attend a function or wedding. With the treatment going on, my skin is getting clearer and I can leave my house without makeup. I feel makeup actually helps in accentuating the features when done in a proper manner.

What do you like about your makeup?
As I had already mentioned makeup accentuates the features when done in a proper way. Makeup usually makes me feel confident, smart and beautiful.

Three holy grail products
Well I love trying new products but still these are the three products I absolutely love
1. Faces Crème Perfection Foundation
It is one of the best foundations I have ever used. It makes my skin soft, smooth and radiant. It has good coverage and gives me a natural look.
I keep repurchasing this gel for using it as moisturizer, under eye gel, hand gel and so many other uses.
I am absolutely in love with this quad. It makes my eyes look bigger and brighter. The shades are so gorgeous and wearable. Various looks can be created with this quad.

I would like to tag every single one of you but would like to name few:  
Heena from Vanity Case Box

Stay pretty!

Image Source: Google images


  1. Uhh threatening could only make you do this post ;) Loved reading your answers and good to hear that your acne is getting clear by that treatment, and yeah I want a review on that Faces foundation taki I can also look gorgeous like you by using that foundation ;)

    1. Hahaha i actually got scared :D Thanx so much sweety. It was really an interesting post to do!

  2. I have the Patanjali gel and like it very much! Lovely answers:)
    I spent my college days without makeup too..hehe :)

    1. Patanjali is sometimes a skin saver for me. I actually regret now for being so simple in college :P

  3. Nice to read your take on make up Megha .. i m also not obsessed with applying make up and many a times go bare face when i go out :)) bt u need a lil bit to enhance ur features :D

    1. I agree Nats. U dont always need makeup to look good :)

  4. Awesome post dear, I use to wear eye liner and kajal for college :p also foundation sometimes :D

    1. Thanx Rads! Ohhh wow u might be a heroine in ur college :)

  5. Nice post, it was very interesting to read your answers :)

  6. Lovely answers sweets :*
    I loved reading them .. Its a great tag naa .. I'm doing one soon ;)

    1. Thanx Vipra! Would love to read ur answers as well :)

  7. This Tag Reminds Me How Many Tags I'm Yet To Do :-/ Such an Absent Minded Girl I Am!

    I Too Love Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel.. It's So Soothing For my Under Eye Area in Summers :D

    And, Chand Pe Daag! Duh :|

    1. Same here Heena!
      Its the only thing i repurchase every month.
      Seriously it gets so irritating but i really could not fire back :P

  8. Wow this is such a nice post Megzz nice to know more about u :)
    Will try to do it soon :P thnaks for the tag :)

  9. I also used to have beautiful skin, but keep getting horrible acne spots these days. Really sucks!

  10. loved d tag...sounds interesting and love reading your answers too!

  11. Aww I loved reading your ans dear!! You indeed have a great healthy skin.:)

    1. Awwww thanx Nieshu. I have healthy skin only few months :(

  12. Makeup indeed makes you feel confident! Thanks for the tag Seno... will do the post soon :D


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