
Friday, March 4, 2016

Clean and Clear Morning Energy Face Wash Lemon Review

Fascinated by its color?
I got this face wash long back but as I don't change my skincare products often it took me a time to review it. If you remember I actually loved Clean and Clear Pimple Clearing Face Wash that I reviewed it few weeks back. After it got finished, I was excited to try this gorgeous and bright face wash---> Clean & Clear Morning Energy Face Wash*. As I have acne prone skin, I have the habit of checking the ingredients before trying any skincare product. I was disappointed to find Ethylhexyl Palmitate that is a comedogenic ingredient and might break out acne prone skin. Mr MBT came to my rescue and accepted my offer of testing the face wash. Thank you Mr MBT! He has normal skin type (so lucky to have such kind of skin!). I am going to share my review on this face wash on behalf of Mr MBT!

The face wash is priced at Rs 110 for 100ml and you can BUY ONLINE HERE.

Have you noticed the gorgeous beads?
A closer look!
The flip top lid!
It is a light yellow gel face wash
The main USP of this face wash is its appearance and scent. It comes in a clear, stylish plastic bottle with a purple flip top lid. The packaging is all yellow and it instantly gives you the feeling of getting refreshed with the scent of fresh lemons! The face wash has gel formula with small golden beads! I totally loved the scent of fresh lemons. I can literally smell the scent of lemons whenever Mr MBT comes out of bathroom after washing his face! *nosey me* The scent makes you feel fresh and awake. The face wash lathers well and glides easily onto your skin. The skin feels soft, fresh and balanced post wash. It also gives a healthy glow to the skin without breaking it out. The skin does not get dull or oily and remains fresh throughout the day! It removes dirt and oil off the skin but do not expect thorough cleansing from this face wash. Its task is to make your skin refreshed and healthy especially in the lazy mornings! Mr MBT has not faced any skin irritations or breakouts whilst using this face wash!

- Very refreshing and lively scent of lemons!
- Lathers really well. You need only a small amount of face wash!
- Gentle on the skin.
- Skin feels light, fresh and soft post wash.
- Inexpensive!
- Different variants available!
- Attractive packaging.
- Bursting beads are added bonus!

- Might not suit people with acne prone skin.

Overall Thoughts:
Overall Clean and Clear Morning Energy Lemon Face Wash is a great face wash if you are looking for a skincare product that instantly makes you feel refreshed. It makes skin feel refreshing by removing dirt off the skin and with a gorgeous scent of lemons! I would definitely recommend it to everyone except acne prone skin! It is indeed a "morning energy" face wash!

Rating: 4.5/5

My Tips:
- If you have acne prone skin try Clean and Clear Pimple Clearing Face Wash.
- Remove your makeup with a good makeup remover before using this face wash.

What is your favorite Clean and Clear Face Wash?

Stay pretty!


  1. Loved the bright & unique color of this face wash :)

  2. Yeah Clean & clear face wash are really good for skin

  3. I have been using these since past few months.
    Loved reading your review <3

  4. I have used it and I quite liked it...:) :)

  5. have used this before ....its quite good :)

  6. I love the morning energy face washes. Truly refreshing to use.


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