
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Soulflower Coldpressed Castor Carrier Oil Review

If you follow my blog regularly, you would how many times I have cried over the condition of my hair. They are thin with few bald patches and dry at ends. Though I have not used endless products to improve my hair but I do believe in using right hair oil and hair pack. Recently I ordered Soulflower Coldpressed Castor Carrier Oil* from Click On Care! I have heard so many good things about castor oil. It helps in promoting hair growth, keeps hair strong and gives a nice shine to the hair! Today I am going to share my thoughts on Soulflower Coldpressed Castor Carrier Oil. It costs Rs 250 and you can BUY ONLINE HERE on ClickOnCareat an offer price of Rs 238 or HERE on Amazon!
It is a BIG bottle and will last long!


Flip top lid

It comes out clear on my palm!

The packaging of Soulflower Coldpressed Castor Carrier Oil is same as that of other Soulflower hair oils. If you remember I had reviewed my favorite Soulflower Pure Bhringraj Hair Oil long back. It has been my favorite for a long time and I actually finished two bottles of this oil! It is said that a particular product stops working after a particular period of time so after I shifted to Hyderabad, my hair started falling and I knew its time to change my hair oil.

The packaging is very convenient to use and can be tote around in your bag without any fear of mess! All the information is stated at the back of the bottle. The formula of the hair oil is quite thick and you need to mix it with other hair oil of your choice. I mix it with the hair oil I got from my parlor aunty and it does make a difference to my hair! Though the castor oil looks yellow in the bottle but it comes out clear on my palms! The scent is hardly visible so if you are sensitive to strong fragrance then this might be for you!

I have been using this hair oil for a good 3-4 weeks and I have noticed lesser hair fall! My hair looks shiny, healthy and I could even notice a bit thickness to my thin hair. I would not say it covered my bald patches but then you need 2-3 months for the results to show! Soulflower Coldpressed Castor Carrier Oil is cold pressed and natural!

- Easy to use packaging. Flip top lid dispenses the right amount of product!
- The packaging is clear so you can see how much product is left!
- Price!
- Lasts really long. You need a small amount of hair oil each time as it is quite thick!
- No noticeable fragrance!
- Makes hair thick, strong and shiny!
- Lesser hair fall!
- It is cold pressed!
- Reduce frizzy hair!

- As it is quite thick, you need to mix it with other hair oil. It is actually not an issue for me!

Overall Thoughts:
I am totally in love with Soulflower Coldpressed Castor Carrier Oil. It is a wonder hair oil if used regularly. It makes hair thick, strong and shiny. I love how healthy and smooth my hair looks post wash! I would highly recommend it to everyone!

Rating: 4.9/5

My Tips:
- As castor oil is quite thick, it is better if you apply it before bedtime!
- Leave it overnight for good results!
- Mix it with any other carrier oil or essential oil!
- It can even be used on skin, nails and eyelashes!

Have you tried Soulflower Coldpressed Castor Carrier Oil? Did you like it? 

Stay pretty!


  1. Sounds really good. But I am always scared of trying any new thing on my hair as once I was suffering from serious hairfall.

    1. Ohhh but i am sure castor oil wont cause you hairfall! It is pure so trying it wont hurt :)

  2. Soulflower oils are of great quality.. might try this in future

  3. Does it give a darker shade to the hair?

    1. I havent seen darker shade yet and it does not claim as well!

  4. How do you like this in comparison with soulflower bhringraj oil?

    1. Bhringraj is to control hair fall and make them strong. Castor oil makes hair thick and helps in regrowth. I literally saw new sprouts on my head with this regular usage. Also it helps in controlling hair fall!

  5. I am facing hair fall and hair thinning problem...Does castor oil cure my problems ???

  6. will it remove burn marks?

  7. Hello dear,can you please tell me whether this Soulflower cold pressed castor oil is hexane free?

    1. There is nothing mentioned on the bottle so cant say! You can ask the brand! I am sure they will solve your query!

  8. I am facing a problem with serious hair fall. & they are very thin. The density of my hair is decreased. So does it help me in regrowth of my hair n making them stronger???

    1. Mix castor and coconut oil and apply it regularly. I will definitely see reduction in hair fall! Also do have a look at your diet!

  9. Sound like ...good about this oil....let's try for hair fall....Thank u

  10. Yes Soulflower oils are great

  11. There r so many oils in soulflower brand....can u tl me which oil is best for hairfall & volume of hair...& can I do oiling on my hair after smoothning

    1. Hi Manya I have tried only 2 oils from Soulflower and liked both bhringraj and castor oil! they help in reducing hair fall and improving the texture of hair!

      For smoothening, i really do not have any idea!

  12. Which oil is best for regrowing hair.. castor, Bringhraj or olive ?

  13. Am also using cold pressed castor oil from soulflower. It really works on my hair. It reduces hair fall and It gives a strength to my hair. And also it reduces my split ends. Now I have long and healthy hair. I really thankful to soulflower. It really good for all hair types. Just try and see the magic

  14. How many times does it take to prevent hair fall?

  15. Replies
    1. It is a very thick oil so i would not recommend using it on face!

  16. Do I will have to change this castor oil with other oil after some time period or it is ok to use only this oil forever,bcz it is working in my hair,and one more question are u still using this oil?or switched to other oil.

    1. As long as it suits you,continue using it!
      No i have switched to wow skincare castor oil.

  17. Can I use this oil only for 3-4 month or can continue using it.

    1. Yes you can. Its a very good oil. Many of my readers and friends have benefitted from it.


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