
Monday, February 6, 2017

Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit Review

acne treatment kit
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
My skin is very sensitive and breaks out if I use wrong products, eat loads of sweets or drink less water. Sometimes I feel acne have a long term relationship with me! After marriage, acne comes once in 2-3 months and I always keep with me the products that fight acne! Today I am going to review an amazing acne treatment kit that has helped me a lot in removing acne and to keep skin clear and healthy----> Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit!

Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit* costs Rs 999 for 260g! BUY ONLINE at a discounted price!

acne treatment kit in india
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit is superb for people with problematic skin. If you are facing pimples, acne, oily skin or uneven skin tone then this kit is for you! It is definitely one of the best acne treatment kits I have used till date! It also works if you have dry but acne prone skin! The products are infused with neem, turmeric, cloves and sandalwood that are extremely effective in making skin clear and healthy

acne treatment kit reviews
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
anti acne treatment kit
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
best anti acne treatment kit
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
acne treatment serum
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
best anti acne treatment in india
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
The acne treatment kit comes with 5 products: Acne Treatment Cleanser, Acne Treatment Scrub, Acne Treatment Gel, Acne Treatment Massage Cream, Acne Treatment Mask and Acne Treatment Serum!

Sattvik Acne Treatment Cleanser
anti acne cleanser
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
anti acne cleanser review
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
It is enriched with sandalwood, turmeric and neem and is really helpful in deep cleansing and removing pimples and acne! It has mild and very pleasant scent and instantly makes me feel good! It has a smooth creamy like formula that spreads easily over the skin! I simply massage it for a minute and rinse it off with water! It makes my skin soft, smooth and clean! Make sure you use it on wet face for easy application and massage!

Sattvik Acne Treatment Scrub
anti acne scrub
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
acne treamtent scrub
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
It is a gel based scrub and is superb for acne-prone skin! It contains micro beads that exfoliate the skin gently without aggravating the acne! I absolutely loved the scent of this scrub but the scrub granules do not dissolve and would harm our aquatic friends! 

The scrub makes the skin soft, smooth and bright without drying it out! With regular usage, it helps in removing blemishes and acne! I massage the gel scrub for a few minutes and rinse it off though it is recommended to massage it for 10-15 minutes. I am an impatient girl and really could not massage for more than 3 minutes! 

Sattvik Acne Treatment Massage Gel
anti acne gel
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
anti acne massage gel
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
It is enriched with natural actives and antioxidants that keep skin acne free and glowing! Each time I massage my face with this massage gel, my skin glows beautifully! It is super gentle on the skin and heals acne! It does not dry out the skin and gives a healthy look to it! I simply massage this gel on my face for a good 3 minutes and rinse it off with water!

Sattvik Acne Treatment Massage Cream
anti acne cream
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
anti acne massage cream
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
This is the cream that has not to be used in the process of the treatment! It is a spot treatment/ antiseptic cream and has to be used at bedtime. I simply apply this cream on pimples and acne using a Q tip! It contains orange extract that subsides acne or any allergy in 2 days! I love how fast it heals my acne and reduce redness! 

Sattvik Acne Treatment Mask
anti acne face mask
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
best face mask for acne prone skin
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
I find this mask very similar to Sattvik Acne Mask! If you have acne prone skin or suffering from acne then you MUST try this face pack! It is truly effective and subsides acne without leaving marks! Apply the face mask after the massage gel and leave it on for 15 minutes! Rinse it off with water!

Sattvik Acne Treatment Serum
anti acne serum
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
It is the lightest yet most effective serum I have tried till date! It soothes acne and makes skin feel healthy and relaxed! Even when I do not have acne, I love using it once a week along with the other product in the kit! 

best anti acne treatment kit
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit
- The BEST acne treatment for acne and pimples!
- Fade blemishes!
- Prevents acne and pimple from reoccuring!
- Keeps skin healthy and glowing!
- All the items are mild and gentle to the skin!
- Inexpensive for the amount of products you get in a box!

- None!

Overall Thoughts:
Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit is the best bet for anyone suffering from pimples or acne! It keeps acne in control and reduces it with regular usage! I feel it lightens the blemishes and heals acne really fast! I would highly recommend it to everyone!

Rating: 5/5

Would you try Sattvik Organics Acne Treatment Kit?

Stay pretty!


  1. This is something meant for my acne prone def gonna have it. Loved the review.

  2. Great! Since I am badly suffering from acne, if I can manage, I would get hold of this kit for SURE!

    1. Its avaialble on Amazon at discounted price! i am sure you ll benefit from using this kit!

  3. Waaw,.. This seems to be best for my oily skin,.. thank you for the review,.

  4. Hi
    I have got really bad pimples recently . And I have a wedding to attend in a month .. do you think this would work ?

  5. Good day Just wanted to know if I am allergic to nuts can I used your product

  6. Hi, I'm trying to find out how to use this product. The cleanser is everyday, the scrub is once per week. Can the gel be used everyday as well? I get the mask is every other day, and the cream can be used every night but how do u use the serum with the cream?

    1. Hi anon i used the gel and cream for maggasing purpose only. I used them once in 15 days. After done with facial, i simply pat few drops of serum on my face and follow it up with a moisturizer.

  7. My question is same as person before, how do you use serum with cream? Can they go together? Serum then cream?


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